red clover tattoo collective

tattoo aftercare

After getting a tattoo, it is important to take proper care of the area to ensure it heals correctly and looks its best for years to come. Tattoo aftercare can vary depending on the size and location of the tattoo, but there are some general guidelines that everyone should follow. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your tattoo stays vibrant and beautiful for a lifetime.


  • Mild, fragrance free soap, or antibacterial soap (Softsoap, Dial Gold, cetaohil, CeraVe, etc)

  • Gentle, fragrance free lotion with no additives (Cetaphil, CeraVe, Eucerin, Lubriderm, etc)

tagaderm/saniderm/dermshield bandage

  • Leave the bandage on for 3-5 days. Take it off early if it leaks, peels up or causes irritation around the edges of the bandage (not caused by the healing tattoo)

  • Remove the bandage in a warm shower.  Let the water heat up the adhesive and pull it off carefully and slowly in the direction your hair grows.  You can also stretch it carefully until it releases, like a command strip.  Don’t pull too hard and let the heat from the water work on the adhesive if it seems stuck.

traditional bandage

  • Leave the bandage on for 2-5 hours at last until you get home.  The tattoo will be leaking fluids underneath the bandage at this time, this is completely normal.  The best time to remove this bandage is when you are in a clean environment and won’t be going out for the rest of the day.

after bandage removal

  • When the bandage is removed (either bandaging method) wash your tattoo carefully with warm water and mild soap.

  • Pat dry with a paper towel or other disposable towel. Don’t use anything that has been used before or can easily collect bacteria.

  • Use a very small amount of moisturizer to cover the tattoo and keep it hydrated 

  • Repeat washing and moisturizing 2-3 times per day until the tattoo starts to peel. At this point you can go down to 1-2 times per day.

things to avoid

  • Do not pick at or scratch your tattoo. Try your best to keep pets away from it. 

  • Avoid submerging your tattoo in standing water (lakes, pools, hot tubes, baths etc.) for 3 weeks.  You can shower as normal. 

  • Avoid exposing your tattoo to direct sunlight, especially during the spring and summer months.  Keep it covered up while it is healing. After your tattoo is fully healed, use sunscreen anytime you are expecting direct sun exposure.

  • Continue to avoid alcohol for the day after your tattoo, as well as blood thinners like aspirin, to the best of your abilities


why can't i go swimming?

Standing water (pools, baths, etc.)  and water outside in natural places (rivers, lakes, oceans) contain a variety of life, most of which you don't want finding a way into your body. Your tattoo is, at first, an open wound. Anything that gets in through your skin can have dangerous access to your body. This isn’t just a risk to your tattoo, though an infected tattoo can easily scar and fall out but also to your overall health! If you have been exposed to standing water (let's say your friend is an asshole and pushes you off a dock, or you dunk your tattoo while washing your toddler), the best thing to do is wash right away with hot water and antibacterial soap.

can i sweat/work out? how soon?

Sure! You can work out or sweat right away. However, sweating carries bacteria and other contaminants from your skin into your tattoo. Avoid sweating or working out if you can’t immediately wash your tattoo. Also try to avoid direct skin contact with shared gym equipment as well.

what soaps/lotions can i use?

It varies for everyone, so it helps to know what your skin already likes. Don’t use anything that makes you break out. Some lotions should be avoided because the scents are applied to the soap/lotion through alcohol, which can dry out and irritate your skin. Most tattooers recommend something like dial or cetaphil to wash and aquaphor/cetaphil/sensitive skin lotions after. However, if you know your skin loves shea butter or an oil based ointment, go for it.

how do i stop the itch?


  • Smacking your tattoo briskly, little slaps can ease the itch

  • ice it — changing the sensation can calm the itchiness

  • LIGHTLY run a brush or comb OVER cloth (clothing or paper towel)

If you have any questions or concerns during the healing process, please contact your artist or the shop!